Team Four Star Wiki

Albino Namekians are an apparently extinct Namekian race that lived on Namek with the other green population until Super Kami Guru blamed the Great Drought on them (when in fact he had drunken all the water,) and they were promptly wiped out in a genocidal purge by the green Namekians led by Guru.

Physical Appearance[]

Albino Namekians, according to Super Kami Guru, strongly resemble Krillin, though due to his age and odd personality it is unclear how accurate this description is. Albino Namekians, therefore, could have resembled traditional Namekians but with an albino coloration, or could have (as Guru implies) resembled Krillin in stature and skin complexion, or could have been some combination of these traits. Some have suggested that Albino Namekians would look more like the children that Demon King Piccolo spawned back in Dragon Ball; like Tambourine, Drum, Piano, and Cymbal. Varying different looks with scales, wings, horns, tails, and even different shaped heads (Piano looks like he has the head of a pterodactyl). Due to their extinction, however, it is currently unknown what precisely they looked like.


The Beginning[]

Albino Namekians once inhabited the Planet Namek along with their other Namekian brethren before the great weather event that nearly wiped everything on the planet out.

The Purge[]

After Super Kami Guru drank all the water on Planet Namek and caused the great drought, he blamed it on the Albino Namekians, and they were slaughtered by Guru's instruction and everyone is happy as ever without the Albino Disgusting Namekians.


During the Namek Saga, the Albino Namekians were referenced a few times, the first one was when Super Kami Guru saw Krillin and thought he was one, the second was when Porunga was summoned and also thought Krillin was an Albino Namekian.

When Super Kami Guru thought he was dying he revealed that he caused the great drought and blamed it on the Albino Namekians, the Namekians grew mad with guilt and killed and devoured Guru alive.

During the events of The Return of Cooler, Kami (now fused with Piccolo) reminisces about the kinship the Namekians and the Albino Namekians shared in the past, having left Namek an unknown time before Super Kami Guru's rise to power and the subsequent purge of Albino Namekians.

Possible Albino Namekians[]

  • Tambourine
  • Drum
  • Piano
  • Cymbal

